Showing posts with label Yuxi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yuxi. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Chinas Railway for Laos: Fast Railway Building between Yuxi and Mohan in Yunnan

See the locations on Yuxi-Mohan railway 玉磨铁路 Google Map by #chineselaosrailway

The Yuxi–Mohan railway 玉磨铁路 or Yumo railway is under construction in Yunnan Province in southwest China. The line will run for 503.9 km from Yuxi West station 玉溪西站 in central Yunnan to Mohan in Mengla County in the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture - on the border with Laos, where it will join Chinas Railway for Laos an complete the railway conncection from Kunming to the border of Thailand near Vientiane. The railway will be electrified, and will have double-track from Yuxi to Jinghong and single-track from Jinghong to Mohan.

It is difficult to find detailed informations about the progress of this railway line. But we did a lot of research and present it here:

Planned are 13 intermediate stations: Yuxi West, Yanhe, Eshan, Luoli, Yuanjiang, Mojiang, Ninger, Puer, Mengyang, Xishuangbanna 西双版纳站, Ganlanba, Mengla, Mohan. The project counts 22 main sections and several contracts and packages:

Section 1 (YMZQ-1): China Railway 6th 中铁六局. It starts from Yuxi west and ends with Hele tunnel No. 1 和乐隧道一 slope. Length: 17.685 km, including 5 bridges (1383.99 m), 4 tunnels (8125 m). Most important: The construction of Dinggu double-line bridge 定古双线大桥2 (487.57 m, see picture) and Hele tunnel 和乐隧道 (4451 m part of 7922 m, see picture). Yanhe 研和站位 station in the south of Yuxi City has been opened. First it will facilitate the transportation and transit of the materials needed for the subsequent laying of rails and girders. Later it will become a logistics center. Read more.
Hele tunnel: Holed through, see picture.

Section 2 (YMZQ-2): It starts from Hele tunnel No. 1 和乐隧道一 slope and ends in Luoli Tunnel 罗里隧道贯 breakthrough point. Length: 29.558 km, including road bed (3965 m), 4 bridges (923.9 m), 5 tunnels (27284 m), construction of Eshan station 峨山站 and Luoli station 罗里站. Most important: The construction of Hele tunnel 和乐隧道 (Slope end part-tunnel exit, 3471 m) and Wanhe tunnel 万和隧道 (17441 m).
Wanhe tunnel has been holed through on March 13 2020 according to the China Railway Kunming Group Co, Ltd. Constructed by China Railway 12th Bureau Group Co., Ltd.. It is located in Eshan County. With a maximum burial depth of 586 m and a minimum burial depth of only 5 m the tunnel passes through two large faults. The construction was accompanied with frequent gushing mud and water, with the maximum daily water gushing reaching 64,000 cubic meters. It underpasses Kunming-Mohan Expressway (read more) and see picture.

Section 3 (YMZQ-3): China Railway tunnel 中铁隧道. It starts from Luoli Tunnel 罗里隧道 breakthrough point and ends in Yueyatian tunnel 月牙田隧道2 Slope end point (see picture). Length: 28.242 km, including road bed (167 m), 3 bridges (1247.12 m), 4 tunnels (25338 m), railway stations. Most important: The construction of Fatushan double-lines bridge 法土山双线大桥2 (185.40 m, see picture), Lixinzhai Four-lane bridge 立新寨四线特大桥4 (976 m, see and read, see picture), Yangwu tunnel 杨武隧道 (14835 m, see picture), Lixin tunnel (5317 m). Lixinzhai Four-lane bridge has 24 spans and a maximum span of 80 meters. The highest pier is 71.9 meters and the deepest pile is 60 meters. There is a crossing station on the bridge. It crosses Kunming-Mohan Expressway.
Fatushan bridge has been closed on October 1 2018, read. One end is connected to Luoli Tunnel 罗里隧道, the other end to Tianfang tunnel 田房隧道. Constructed by China Railway Tunnel Bureau Group 中铁隧道局集团.
Lixinzhai four-line bridge is 952,8 m long.

Section 4 (YMZQ-4): It starts form Yueyatian tunnel 月牙田隧道2 Slope and ends at Qiaotoucun 桥头村2 tunnel entrance. Length: 33.079 km, including roadbed (7852 m), 3 bridges (712.03 m), 4 tunnels (24515 m), construction of Yuanjiang railway station 月牙田隧道2. Most important: Eshan tunnel 峨嘎山隧道 (see), Ganzhuang tunnel 甘庄隧道 (see). Yueyatian Tunnel 2 月牙田隧道2.

Section 5 (YMZQ-5): China Railway 4th 中铁四局. It starts from Xiaotou Village 2 tunnel 桥头村2#隧道 entrance and ends at Xincun 2 tunnel 新村2#隧道 entrance. Length: 6.014 km, including section roadbed (47 m), station roadbed (425 m), 3 complex huge bridges (2370 m), 5 bridges (1944 m), 2 tunnels (1525 m). Most important: Yuanjiang Double Line Super Bridge 2 元江双线特大桥2 元江特大桥刷新世, Nanxi River Four Line Super Large Bridge 4 南溪河四线特大桥4. Dakaimen River Double Line Bridge 2 大开门河双线大桥2, Amo river double line railway bridge 阿墨江双线特大桥, Jinghong Yongjiang Double-track Bridge 2 景洪澜沧江双线大桥2 (see picture), Babianjiang double line railway bridge 把边江双线大桥2. Nanxi river station 南溪河站.
In Juni 2018 workers began to lay the first steel truss complex on Yuanjiang Railway Bridge 元江特大桥刷新世, which ist 832,2 m long and has the tallest bridge pier in the world (154 meters high) and the longest span between two piers. The bridge spans the Red River (Honghe River) Canyon. It is a steel truss bridge with height of 238 meters. There are 4 bridge piers. Read more. Sometimes temperatures were 40 degree and steel got more than 60 degres hot, as you can read here. See pictures from April 2020. In July the bridge was closed. See pictures.

Nanxi River bridge 南溪河特大桥: See pic. The bridge construction was closed in September 2020.

Babianjiang double line bridge  (421.5 meters main pier 86 meters high): In March 2019 the fundation has been finished. See pic
Amo river double line bridge (617 m long): Two main piers are 89,5 m high, there are seven piers. The river is 334 m wide. Read more on Construction Times.and read here. See more pictures. See video.
Both sides of the bridge have been connected in October 2020:

Section 6 (YMZQ-6): China Railway 5th 中铁五局.  It is located in the West of Mo River. From Xincun 2 tunnel entrance 新村2#隧道进口 to Anding tunnel 安定隧道3 (see). Length: 24.986 km, including roadbed (155 m), 3 bridges (454.15 m), 6 tunnels (24382 m). Most important: The construction of Tongda tunnel 通达隧道 (11298 m) and Anding tunnel 安定隧道 (8822 m).
Anding tunnel is located at the junction of Yuanjiang County and Mojiang County. It crosses Ailao Mountain. It passes through 20 faults and 2 syncline structures, karst and soft rock, has gushing water and there is high geothermal heat. It is near the collision zone between the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate. Inclined shaft has been holed through in June 2019. Picture. The 17.5-km-long Anding Tunnel has been drilled through end of November 2020. See video.

Section 7 (YMZQ-7): Built by China Railway 19th Bureau 中铁十九局. It is located between Nanxi river station 南溪河站 and Thalang river station 他郎河站, starting from Anding tunnel 3 slope, ending in Wanggang mountain tunnel 2 王岗山隧道2 slope. Length: 19.935 km, including station roadbed (1471200 sq.m.), 2 tunnels (18400 m), 1 complicated bridge (143.2 m), 1 bridge (506.79 m), highway bridge (48.55 m). The section crosses 213 national road and Shuigui River bridge 水葵河大桥. Most important: The construction of Anding tunnel and Wanggang mountain tunnel. Includes Ping'an tunnel 平安隧道.
Wanggang Mountain tunnel (13,5 km): Should be completed End of May 2020. Read.
Nanxi River Extra Large Bridge 南溪河特大桥: See construction on March 09 in 2020. See also these pictures, and this video.

The construction of Mojiang section railway station 墨江段火车站点施 is progressing steadily. see pictures.

The Pu'er section 普洱段全长 is 156 km long, has 16 tunnels and 278 bridge piers:

Section 8 (YMZQ-8): It is located in Mojiang country, Pu'er city. It starts from Wanggang mountain tunnel 2 slope 王岗山隧道2, ending in Xinhua tunnel 1 新华隧道1 Horizontal hole ending point. Length: 20.893 km, including demolition and land expropriation project, 1 bridge (109 m), 3 tunnels (20762 m), railroad track (36.938 km). Most important: Wanggangshan Tunnel 3 王岗山隧道3, The construction of Talang river 4 line bridge and Duoji tunnel 多吉隧道.
Duoji tunnel is 14,539 km long. Entrance penetrated in Dezember 2017, read. The tunnel was drilled through in August 2020, see picture.

Section 9 (YMZQ-9): Located in Mojiang country, Pu'er city. It starts from Xinhua tunnel 1 Horizontal hole 新华隧道1#横洞 and ends in Shitou zhai 2 slope 石头寨2#斜井终点. Length: 20.482 km, including 2 tunnels (20375 m), 1 middle bridge (94.25 m), roadbed (131550 cubic meter). Most important: The construction of Xinhua tunnel 新华隧道1#横洞终点 (13384 m) and Shitou zhai Tunnel (6991 m) 石头寨特长隧道整体, read. There was an accident during construction with five dead people, read.

Section 10 (YMZQ-10): China Railway 10th 中铁十局. Located in Mohei town, Pu'er city. Length: 22.405 km, including 4 tunnels (20747 m), 4 bridges (903.36 m), roadbed (17309 cu.m), railway station (302000 cubic metres). Most important: Dajinshan double-line middle bridge 2 大金山双线中桥2, Grinding black four-line bridge 4 磨黑四线大桥4, The construction of Shitou Zhai tunnel (4851 m) and the Dajinshan Tunnel 大金山隧道 (10657 m). Puma river fourth line bridge 朴马河四线中桥.

Section 11 (YMZQ-11): Located in Ning'er country 宁洱, Pu'er city. From Peace Tunnel 和平隧道进 Entrance to Taida Village Tunnel 太达村隧道进 Entrance. Length: 20.74 km, including roadbed (3398 m), 8 bridges (3989 m), 4 tunnels (9575 m), Ning'er station 宁洱站. Most important: Ninger double line bridge 宁洱双线特大桥2 (802 m) and Heping tunnel 和平隧道长 (8847 m).
Ning'er station: See picture.
Ning'er double line bridge: See pictures.

Section 12 (YMZQ-12): China Railway 18th Bureau 工的中铁十八局集. Located in Ning'er country, Pu'er city. From Taida Village Tunnel 太达村隧道 (5815 m) Entrance to Sanjia Village Tunnel 三家村隧道出 Exit. Length: 25.285 km, including roadbed (218.83 m), 5 bridges (765.17 m), 6 tunnels (24301 m), ballastless track bed (28314 m). Most important: The construction of Dajianshan Tunnel 大尖山隧道 (14187 m) and Nasu river double line bridge 那苏河双线大桥2 (329.51 m), Taidacun tunnel (5815 m).
Sanjia Village tunnel (3470 m) was holed through in November 2019. Read and see and see here.
Dajianshan Tunnel 大尖山隧道: Entrance completed in November 2019, read and see.
Nasu river bridge: See pictures.

Section 13 (YMZQ-13): China Railway 8th 中铁八局. Located in Pu'er city, starting from Sanjia Village Tunnel to Maliping Tunnel (5639m) Entrance 麻栗坪隧道进. Haizi Tianjing Baisha slope via Xinfang reservoir. Length: 19.202 km, including roadbed (3.101 km), 15 bridges (3126.16 m), 14 tunnels (12975 m). Construction of Pu'er railway station 普洱火车站. Most important: Mu Nai river double line bridge 木乃河双线特大桥2 (1173.35m).
Pu'er station 普洱火车站 is about two kilometers from Simao.

Mu Nai river double line bridge: 1173.35 m. See picture1 and picture 2. The bridge was completed in July 2020.

Maliping tunnel is connected to Mu Nai river. See picture and also picture.
Dingjiaqing No. 1 tunnel 丁家箐1号隧道 (338 m). The entrance of the tunnel is close to the 309 provincial highway, the exit is closer to the expressway. See picture.
Dingjiaqing No. 2 tunnel 丁家箐2号隧 (153 meters).
Laowangzhai No. 1 tunnel 老王寨1号隧 (208 meters), holed through in april 2019, read.
Sankezhuang No. 1 tunnel 三棵庄1号隧 (295 meters)

Section 14 (YMZQ-14): China Railway Shanghai 中铁上海局. Located between Pu'er and Xishuangbanna, starting from Maliping tunnel ending point 麻栗坪隧道进, ending in Huigang mountain tunnel (8903 m) 会岗山隧道出 exit. Length: 25.192 km, including roadbed (1.778 km), road moving project, 3 bridges (295.35 m), 4 tunnels (23.119 km). Puwen station 普文站. Most important: The construction of Huipai mountain tunnel (7475 m) 会排山隧道长 and Huigang mountain tunnel 会岗山隧道.
Huipai mountain tunnel: Holed through in April 2020. See picture and read.
Puwen tunnel 普文隧道: 2232 m. See video.
Sanjian river double line bridge 三涧河双线中桥:
Lazi river double line bridge 分别为腊子河双线中桥:

Section 15 (YMZQ-15): Located in Jinghong, Xishuangbanna. From Huigangshan Tunnel 会岗山隧道出 Exit to the middle of Dabaishu Tunnel 大白树隧道中. Length: 19.785 km, including roadbed (8.352 km), 20 bridges (7.184 km), 6 tunnels (4.249 km), 35 culvert (1.008 km). Most important: Datuan Mountain Tunnel 大团山隧道, Big white tree tunnel 大白树隧道. The Datuan Mountain Tunnel is located in Jinghong City, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture. It has a total length of 2,105 meters and is a two-lane tunnel, penetration has taken place in July 2018. No. 1 Huangzhulin Tunnel 黄竹林1号隧道 was finished in Dezember 2019 (see Youtube). The Huangzhulin tunnel cluster consists of the No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 tunnels. Each of them passes through a mountain and the three tunnels are located on a curve with a radius of 2,800 metres.

Section 16 (YMZQ-16): China Railway 3rd 中铁三局. Located in west of Jinghong, Xishuangbanna. From the middle of Dabaishu Tunnel 大白树隧道中 to Xishuangbanna Tunnel 1 西双版纳隧道1 . Length of 21.346 km, including roadbed (2142 m), 1 bridge (43.7 m), 3 tunnels (19161.6 m), construction of Yexiang valley station 野象谷车站 (wild elefant valley, see Youtube-video) 野象谷. Most important: The construction of Mengyang tunnel 勐养隧道 (13539 m) and Xishuangbanna tunnel 西双版纳隧道进 (4137.6 m).
Mengyang tunnel: See picture. The 13,5 km-tunnel was drilled through on December 5 in 2020. The 13.5-km tunnel was constructed under the Wild Elephant Valley.

Xishuangbanna tunnel: See picture.

Section 17 (YMZQ-17): Located in Jinghong, Xishuangbanna. From Xishuangbanna Tunnel 1 西双版纳隧道1 End Point to Nanlian Mountain Tunnel 南联山隧道进 Entrance. Length: 14.7 km, including construction of Xishuangbanna railway station 西双版纳站, 3 bridges (3069.63 m), 2 tunnels (7610 m), interval roadbed (3297.79 m), station roadbed (3335.917 m), 15 culverts. Most important: Xishuangbanna station 西双版纳车站. Xishuangbanna Double Line Bridge 2 西双版纳双线特大桥2.

Section 18 (YMZQ-18): Located in Xishuangbanna. From the entrance of Nanlian Mountain Tunnel 南联山隧道进 to Manle No. 2 tunnel 曼么二号隧道进 entrance. Length: 38.878 km, including 8 bridges (5987.66 m), 9 tunnels (27822 m), road moving (5.3 km). Most important: Olive Dam Station 橄榄坝站. Olive Dam Bridge 橄榄坝特大桥. Hot spring village bridge 温泉村大桥. Nanlian Mountain Tunnel 南联山隧道长. Southern Lianshan Tunnel 南联山隧道, Bach Tunnel 巴奇隧道, Jingkuan No. 1 Tunnel 景宽1号隧道 and Jingkuan No. 2 Tunnel 景宽2号隧道.
Jinghon Hanhan Beam 景洪勐罕制梁 site has been constructed for pouring T-beam elements for Yuxi-Mohan railway. Read and see.
Olive Dam Bridge has been erected already, read and see.
Jingkuan No 2 Tunnel 景宽2号隧道 (4600 m) has been holed through in April 2020. Read and see.

Section 19 (YMZQ-19): Located in Mengla County, Xishuangbanna. From Manle No. 2 tunnel 曼么二号隧道进 to Baluo 2 Tunnel 巴罗二号隧道进. Length: 27.5 km, including 6 tunnels (25462 m), 7 bridges (1664.33 m), roadbed (2319.4 m). Construction of Suoluo River crossing station 梭罗河站, Nanban River Bridge 南班河大桥, construction of Guanlei crossing station. Mantra bridge 曼腊特大桥. Manmushu tunnel 曼木树隧道长 (11638m).

Section 20 (YMZQ-20): Project located in Mengla County, Xishuangbanna. From Baluo 2 tunnel 巴罗二号隧道进 to Manzhang 1 bridge 曼掌1号大桥. Length: 36.957 km, including roadbed (2.445 km), 13 bridges (4.413 km), 8 culverts (188.2 m), 6.5 tunnels (30.089 km), 3 railway stations. Most important: Mengyuan Station 勐远站, Manle Station 曼勒站, Kailu North Station 缓开勐腊北站. Manle 1 tunnel 曼勒一号隧道, the construction of Mengla tunnel 勐腊隧道, located in the area between Manle and Mengla, with a total length of 13018m (read more).

Section 21 (YMZQ-21): Located between Mengla County and Shangyong County, Xishuangbanna. From Manzhang No. 1 Bridge 曼掌1号大桥 end to Dongfanghong Bridge Yuxi 东方红大桥玉溪端 end. Length: 26.01 km, including roadbed (5737 m), 16 bridges (6001.63 m), 5 tunnels (14993 m), construction of Mengla railway station 勐腊站 and Big Longha railway station. Most important: Mengla station 勐腊站, which is connected with Manmai 1 Tunnel 曼迈一号隧道贯 (see picture), Shanggang Bridge 2 上龙茵特大桥2, Mengla South Dawo River Bridge 勐腊南大窝河大桥, Wang Silong Bridge 王四龙特大桥, Shanggang No 1 tunnel 尚岗一号隧道 (see picture). The construction of Moxie huge bridge, Mannasang Bridge and Na River No.1 bridge 纳江一号大桥.
Manzhang tunnel 曼掌隧道 (1730 m) has been completed by China Railway's Kunming bureau in October 2019. See picture. Manmai 1 Tunnel was completed in May 2020.

Section 22 (YMZQ-22): China Railway 2nd 中铁二局. Project located in Mohan Cross-border Cooperation Zone, Xishuangbanna. From Dongfang Red Bridge Yuxi Duan 东方红大桥玉溪端 to Friendship Tunnel 友谊隧道. Length: 14.159 km, including roadbed (4168 m), 8 bridges (2821.63 m), 1 tunnel called Friendship tunnel 友谊隧道 (7170 m), construction of Mohan north railway station 磨憨口岸站 磨憨北站 and Mohan railway station 磨憨站. Mohan Beam field 磨憨梁场. Friendsjip tunnel has been drilled trough in September 2020.
Source: and

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